mantabbbb, ada kesalahandu surat at taubah ayat 25, pass bacaan arabnya : mawaa tina kasirotan... pas latinnya : mawaa tina kasitotin... dicek di alquran yg lain, benar yg tulisan latin, sementara yg arabnya salah karena fatkah tanwin, harusnya kasroh tanwin
mantap. tapi cuba buat supaya boleh disimpan di external memori card. sebab datanya besar. tak patut berada di internal hp
Keep up the Sayaka and good work in the causes of Almighty (SWT). Janna await you in the paradise..Barakah..
I paid for this app but it seem i cannot get the colorfull theme or wallpaper. Only the orange color.
Ma Shaa Allah it's very easy to use
Helps read/memorize Qur'an. Learn tajweed; du'aa from Qur'an. Several reciters are available and multiple translations. Please add Tafseer As-Saadi and Ibn Katheer. App should remember last place stopped when reading/finishing Qur'an. -won't install to USB/SD card; unmount SD card, then install the app- email the developer for a link to help forum. Oh Allaah, bless the developers of this app and make it heavy on the scale of good...aameen. Update: 09/01/1440 - Ramadhaan Mubaarik. Tafseer?